A key to break a stressful time

The 100 day project after 70 days


What I can say from the very beginning, after 50 days and now again after 70 days: Engaging in the 100 day project was my key to break a stressful time. I was exhausted from an intensive year and had lost all my motivation after having presented in exhibitions and after nearly a year in the pandemic. You will know what I am talking about.

Against my personal prediction I stayed in the 100 day project and it became key for not only breaking the mental stress but bringing new initiative and inspiration. The framework of my chosen project #100daysofcolourcardsandmore created a focus. Suddenly there was a thin but strong red threat to follow. It turned out to become a very enlightening and restful time in my studio.

5 Rows of colour swatches
Color swatches of the Zorn palette.

There could have been no better way to stay tuned and get some mental holiday in these demanding times. It turned out to be a kind of self-care time, slowing down, exploring in depth, not hurried by the next event to work for and not under self expectation to create the next fantastic work. I did so many other things and had (and still have) such an entertaining time!

To do simple, but pleasurable work, slow down, break routines, being open for new things was a key to break the stress and get inspired again.

I started the color swatches with a limited palette, the Zorn palette. It is incredible, how many colors you get from only two colors and black and white. In the end I made an inventory of all the colors I found in tubes and pigments in my studio! An incredible mass!
I read books – enjoyed very much the book from Brian Ruthenberg “Clear seeing place” and his videos which I highly can recommend. I did sketching in the nature, I learned how to make tiny artist booklets from one sheet of paper and I learned such a lot about color! And as I was in the learning mode, I even learned how to make home made rolls 🙂

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