More works to be seen soon in Gaucín-más trabajos para ser vistos pronto en Gaucin

Today in two weeks the doors will be open for the yOpen Studios Gaucín! I am very busy preparing for the exhibition! Looking forward to meeting you there!

¡Hoy en dos semanas las puertas estarán abiertas para los Open Studios Gaucín! ¡Estoy muy ocupado preparándome para la exposición! ¡Esperamos verte allí!

Preparing for Gaucín-Vorbereitung auf Gaucín-Preparándose para Gaucín

Only three weeks to go till the Open Studios Gaucín start will be opening the doors. Much activity in my studio meanwhile. Would be nice to welcome you in Gaucín!

Solo faltan tres semanas para que los Open Studios Gaucín comiencen a abrir las puertas. Mucha actividad en mi estudio mientras tanto. Sería bueno darte la bienvenida allí!

Nur noch drei Wochen bis sich die Türen zu den Open Studios Gaucín öffnen! Zur Zeit gibt es viel Aktivität in meinem Atelier. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn ich euch in Gaucín begrüßen dürfte!

Continue reading “Preparing for Gaucín-Vorbereitung auf Gaucín-Preparándose para Gaucín”

Exhibiting at the Art Walk Cómpeta / Exponer en el Art Walk Compéta

Getting ready, transportation of a lot of paintings, preparing the room that I shared with the photographer Nikki de Gruchy, meeting many fellow artists, for  four days receiving a lot of visitors from different countries and many good friends, walking through the narrow streets and on the steep stairs of Cómpeta:   what a lot of impressions to take in!  Now looking back I can say, it was a great event and I am very happy I was a part of it! And very lucky that I had a lot of support! Many thanks to Lieuwke Loth and the team to making this Art Walk Cómpeta possible! Now already looking forward to the Open Studios of Gaucín!

Preparándose, transporte de una gran cantidad de pintura, preparando la habitación que compartí con la fotógrafa Nikki de Gruchy, conociendo a muchos artistas, para cuatro dias recibiendo muchos visitantes de diferentes países y buenos amigos, caminando por las calles estrechas y en las empinadas escaleras de Cómpeta: ¡cuántas impresiones! Ahora mirando hacia atrás puedo decir que es un gran evento y estoy mucha suerte que podría asistir, mucha suerte, ¡eso tuvo mucho apoyo!¡Muchas gracias a Lieuwke Loth y al equipo por hacer este Art Walk Cómpeta posible!
¡Ahora comienza la preparación para los Open Studios de Gaucín!

Intensive Vorbereitung, der Transport von vielen und auch großen Bildern, das Herrichten des Raumes, den ich mit der Fotografin Nikki de Gruchy teilte, in dem sich Stühle und Tische stapelten, Bilder aufhängen, eine große Anzahl Kunstkollegen kennen zu lernen, Besucher aus unterschiedlichen Ländern empfangen und gute Freunde, durch die engen Gassen und über die steilen Treppen von Cómpeta zu wandern – wirklich viele Eindrücke, die ich gesammelt habe. Im Rückblick kann ich sagen: Es war eine großartige Veranstaltung und ich bin glücklich, dass ich dabei sein konnte! Und sehr dankbar, dass ich so gute Unterstützung hatte! Ganz großen Dank an Lieuwke Loth und ihr Team, dass sie diesen fantastischen Art Walk Cómpeta möglich gemacht hat!
Jetzt geht’s zur Vorbereitung auf die Ausstellung in den Open Studios von Gaucín!

Art Walk Cómpeta
Art Gaucin Facebook
Art Oppelland-Hampel Facebook

Preparing for the Art Walk Compéta-Preparándose para el Art Walk Cómpeta

Since quite a while I am preparing for the Art Walk Compéta which will start on Easter Saturday! Orange and blue have been fascinating me! See the results in Cómpeta!

¡Desde hace un tiempo me estoy preparando para el Paseo del Arte de. Cómpeta  que comenzará el sábado de la Semana Santa! ¡Naranja y azul me han fascinado! ¡Mira los resultados en Cómpeta!

Think big – Denk gross – Piensa en grande \ Work in progress

I have worked on many small canvases and now I was really looking for a challenge : 140 x 160 cm! A format that hardly has room in my little studio! But a pleasure of freedom. And since long I could do it all from the very beginning!  I hope  I can exhibit this at ART WALK COMPETA in which I will be part of! Hopefully the room will be big enough! Hope to see you there (31.03./01.04.04 and 03./04.04.18)

He trabajado en muchos quadros pequeños y ahora realmente estaba buscando un desafío: ¡140 x 160 cm! ¡Un formato que apenas tiene espacio en mi pequeño estudio! Pero un placer de libertad. ¡Y desde hace mucho tiempo puedo hacerlo todo desde el principio! ¡Espero poder exhibir esto en ART WALK COMPETA en el cual seré parte! ¡Espero que la habitación sea lo suficientemente grande! Espero verte allí (31.03./01.04.04 y 03./04.04.18)


You find more about Art Walk Cómpeta 2017 here and my former exhibition here!

New York, New York – bathing in art! In Kunst baden!

I had 48 hours in New York. I dedicated them to art. I was very touched by the Calder exhibition in the Whitney Museum of American Art which displayed such a grace and poetry. I re-visited the MOMA, that has changed a lot since I saw it some years ago. A highlight was a big show of Anselm Kiefers most extraordinary works in the GAGOSIAN Gallery in Chelsea.

Just sharing some photos with you from the Whitney:

Ich hatte 48 Stunden für New York. Die widmete ich der Kunst. Ich badete in Kunst. Die Calder Ausstellung im Whitney Museum für amerikanische Kunst hat mich sehr berührt. Sie war so voller Grazie und Poesie. Ich besuchte nach vielen Jahren wieder das MOMA, das sich sehr erweitert hat seit meinem letzten Besuch. Ein Highlight war für mich die sehr große Ausstellung von vielen außergewöhnlichen Werken von Anselm Kiefer in der GAGOSIAN Galerie in Chelsea. Hier ein paar Fotos aus dem Whitney Museum:


Click on the photos to enhence them.
Klick auf die Fotos um sie zu vergrößern.

And people…

The good old European still impress at the MOMA and the big show of Rauschenbergs works, of whom I liked most the small works which were attached zu each other with a zip.

Die eindrucksvollen Werke der guten alten Europäer beeindrucken im MOMA sowie die große Ausstellung von Rauschenbergs Werken. Von denen mochte ich am meisten die kleinen Werke, die mit einem Reißverschluss verbunden waren.

Click on the photos to enhence them.
Klick auf die Fotos um sie zu vergrößern.

and people..

Anselm Kiefer at Gargosian Gallery:
Transition from cool to warm.
I was stunned! I loved his paintings, as I had only seen his huge, more political works with a lot of material.
Most of the paintings appeared to me like painted love letters. One hall showed many many big books (about 50×70 cm). A very unique presentation.
Verwandlung von kalt zu warm.
Ich war begeistert, beeindruckt. Ich fand seine Bilder großartig. Bisher hatte ich nur seine großen, sehr materiallastigen, politischen Werke gesehen. Die meisten Bilder in dieser Ausstellung erschienen mir wie Liebesbriefe. Ein Saal war gefüllt mit riesigen Büchern, die Aquarellbilder auf dickem Trägermaterial zusammenfassten (ca. 50×70 cm oder größer). Eine ganz besondere Ausstellung!


und natürlich NewYork,New York…….I love New York!

MassMoCa – visiting the largest museum of the U.S.A.

North Adams is a little town in the northern Berkshires, Massachusetts,  that lost all its industrie. The Museum of Modern Contemporary Art opend its doors about 17 years ago.  It proudly claims to host the largest museum of modern art in the USA, today even more as this summer it  open an additional part. “MASS MoCA is one of the world’s liveliest centers for making and enjoying today’s most evocative art.” (MassMoCa webside).  A huge fabric building was converted in a most exiting temple of modern art. I was fascinated and thrilled by the atmosphere of the building in combination with the diverse and partly gigantic exhibitions. Normally I get tired after a certain time spent in front of interesting  art, but here the possibility of having a lot of space , exploring a labyrinth of walk ways and rooms and most interesting art was advantageous and prevented me from  getting tired.

North Adams ist eine kleine Stadt in den Berkshires , Massachusetts, das all seine Industrien verlor. Das Museum of Contampory Art of Massachusetts öffnet seine Pforten vor ca. 17 Jahren und hauchte dem Ort dadurch neues Leben ein. Heute kann das MASSMoCa stolz behaupten, das größte Museum für moderne Kunst in den USA zu sein.  Ein riesiger industrieller Komplex aus dem 19. Jahrhundert wurde in einen außerordentlich aufregenden und faszinierenden Tempel moderner Kunst verwandelt. Ich war begeistert und animiert durch die wunderbare Atmosphäre dieses alten Fabrikgebeudes das in verwinkelten und weitläufigen Wegen von Halle zu Halle führt und den dort gezeigten, sehr interessanten Positionen und teilweise gigantischen Kunstwerken etwas ganz besonderes gibt. Obwohl sehr viel zu sehen und zu gehen ist, fühlte ich mich niemals müde. Die Art der Darstellung, die Leere zwischendurch tat gut und machte den Geist frei für das nächste Kunstwerk.

The Building in itself is a incredible with its industrial atmosphere from another century.

Allein das Gebäude ist eine Reise wert mit seiner Atmosphäre eines Industriegebäudes aus einem anderen Jahrhundert.


Are you really my friend?
 Tanja Hollander

This was a wonderful exhibition. Tanja Hollander visited in 6 years more than 400 of her Facebook “Frinds” all over the world and portrait them.  Fascinating to look at these portraits that are all taken in the same style but very different.

Bist du wirklich mein Freund? 

Dies war eine beeindruckende Ausstellung. Tanja Hollander besuchte in 6 Jahren mehr als 400 ihrer Facebook “Freunde ” und porträtierte sie in ihrem Zuhause, immer mit ernsten Gesichtern auf quadratischem Format. Es war berührend die Fotos zu sehen,  unterschiedlichste Menschen überall auf der Welt verbunden durch einen kleinen digitalen Faden die etwas über sich durch ihr Heim und ihre Pose ausdrücken.

Nick Cave

was the overwhelming artist at this museum. He filled a gigantic hall with artwork of an unbelievable dimension. The sheer volume of material that has been gathered is astounding — 16,000 wind spinners; millions of plastic pony beads; thousands of ceramic birds, fruits, and animals; 13 gilded pigs; more than 10 miles of crystals and more. What a experience to walk through or climb up to his artworks!

war für mich die beeindruckenste Ausstellung des Museums. Sein Kunstwerk füllte eine riesige Halle aus, ein Kunstwerk mit unglaublichen Dimensionen. “Das schiere Volumen der Materialien, die gesammelt wurden ist unglaublich – 16 000 Windobjekte, Millionen kleiner Plastik Kügelchen, tausende Keramikvögel, Früchte und Tiere, mehr als 14 km Kristalle und mehr.”(MassMoCa Webseite).Ein tolles Erlebnis durch die Kunstwerke zu wandeln oder zu ihnen hinauf zu klettern.


And much more most different kinds of art on display:

I loved especially the wonderful settings of exits:

This is a memory to very old times:


It was a really memorable day!

Photos from the Wood Land – Bilder aus dem Waldland

We spend our holidays in New Hampshire, at one of the thousand small lakes in the wood which covers about 95% ot this state. More the camera than the brushes is in action.

Wir verbringen Ferien in New Hampshire an einem der tausend kleinen Seen umgeben von Wald. Wald der eine Fläche von ca. 95% dieses nördlichen Staates bedeckt. Und dessen Motto heißt: Live free or die! Mit meiner Kamera bin ich wesentlich aktiver als mit den Pinseln und Zeichenstiften.

Sketch Time

Photo Time


Miez – a hot summer day -un caluroso día de verano- ein heißer Sommertag

Today it’s real hot. Man, woman and cat are searching the coolness, cool tiles, the little breeze on the terrace. To hot to head for acrylic paints. Just sitting in a deck chair with the iPad sketch app, watching the cat.

Heute ist es wirklich warm. Mann, Frau und Katze suchen nach Kühle, den kühlen Fließen, der kleinen Briese auf der Terrasse. Zu heiß um die Acrylfarben zu benutzen, Nur im Deckchair sitzen , das iPad mit dem Scetch App dabei, die Katze beobachten.


Why Blue-porque Azul-warum Blau?

One day I was working on a painting and wondering, why I was using so much blue colours. My painting style is very intuitive, so it just “happened”, nothing in my mind. I called the painting “Why blue?”. A painted question. Lately I painted some small paintings (20×20 cm), for the summer exhibition in father Galeria Luz de la Vida in Cómpeta, again following my intuition, just with a headline in my mind. I wanted to play around, experiment and have fun. This was my intention in the series “color plates”. What happen was a lot of turquoise and blue. I tried red- very difficult. I tried yellow- no way.

I choose a photo that attracted me, Cactus with a lot of  of blue. So the answer is a very simple one: in this hot summer with the sea in front of me and the ever so huge blue sky over me, there is no choice but blue.

Vor einiger Zeit arbeitete ich an einem Bild, verwundert darüber, warum es so blau wurde. Blau ist eigentlich nicht ” meine Farbe”. Da ich beim Malen sehr intuitiv vorgehe, “passierte” es einfach so, ohne Plan. Ich nannte das Bild:  ” Warum blau?”, eine gemalte Frage. Kürzlich machte ich mich an eine Reihe kleiner Formate (20×20 cm) für die Sommerausstellung der Galeria Luz de laVida in Cómpeta. Ich hatte keinen Plan, aber Lust zu experimentieren und meinen spontanen Eingebungen zu folgen. Farbtafeln wollte ich machen. Es entstanden kleine Bilder mit viel Blau und Türkis . Ich versuchte es mit Rot: sehr schwierig. Gelb: das ging gar nicht. Ich suchte mir ein Foto heraus, das mich ansprach und endete bei  Kakteen vor viel blauem Himme. Offensichtlich ist die Antwort doch ganz einfach: in diesem heißen Sommertagen mit dem Meer vor Augen und dem weiten blauen Himmel über mir, gibts keine andere Wahl.

Visiting Art: Antonio Yesa, a very actuell memory – eine ganz aktuelle Erinnerung – un recuerdo muy reciente

Last friday I visited the Galeria del Arte Mirel Markarian in Fuengirola to see the works of an artist friend: Antonio Yesa . 

I got to know Antonio last year, when we had the pleasure to be invited with the fabulous Dibujo Fuengirola/Mijas Group  to his studio. We learned a lot ablout his work, enjoyed his hospitality and had a lot of fun. This was my first opportunity to get in touch with his art and some of his smaler objects and his way of playing with floral and other nature inspired forms, but here at the Galeria I found a full  series of metallic sculptures that – as far as I understood – have as a theme releationship. Mostly the relationship between some bio-amorphe figures,  hinting at living creatures, like plants and trees and snakes as well as some immortal objects. These about 20 cm high objects, mostly from stainless steel together with other materials,  show lightness and stability in one. There is a tenderness and delicateness about them and a strong symbolism about relationship.  While we can admire in the Galeria these fine and tiny works, there are other big urban works to admire in many cities: Benalmadena, Málaga, Arroyo de la Miel, Alhaurín de la Torre and also in the museo de Zwickau, Germany. Being attracted to nature and mirroring it with bio-amorphe figures seems to be one thread in the artwork of the Cadiz born, now Malaga sculpturer.

You can see this exhibiton until the beginning of July. Exact dates can be found on the website of the Galeria ( See above).

Seeing these sculptures, the wonderful and joyful event last year at the studio of Antonio Yesa comes back to my memory! It was a great day to see the artists´ place, learn about his work , and enjoy the atmosphere of the studio and the group!

Thank you Susi Marquez for giving life to the Dibujo Fuengirola/Mijas Group and Antonio Yesa for having us all! Thank you Mirel for showing us his work in the nice Galeria!

Sneak preview: paintings of an exhibition/ Bilder einer Ausstellung/ las pinturas en un exposición

To give you a little taste of the exhibition in the Gallery Luz de La Vida in  Cómpeta: enjoy some pictures!

Ein kleiner Vorgeschmack auf die Ausstellung in der Galeria Luz de La Vida in Cómpeta: viel Freude an den Fotos!

Talk with the artists 07.07.17 from 19:00 to 21:00 o’clock. Music and tapas provided!


Open Thursday to Friday and Saturday. Talk with the artists Friday, 07.07.17 from 19:00 – 21:00 hours.

See my paintings at Cómpeta – ver mis pinturas en Cómpeta – Ausstellung in Cómpeta

The charming Galeria Luz de la vida pesents in her summer Show 5 international artists. Cómpeta is a painterly place in the mountains north east of Málaga. It has attracted over the years many artists, that live there and inhabitants from many parts of the world. Lieuwke Loth, a very activ Dutch artist, is the organiser of the well visited “Art Walk” of Cómpeta, that opens up the doors of more than 20 studios. ( See report on this webside) But she as well invites international artists to meetings and she runs a Galeria. Here she presents the whole year artshows that show artworks of different kinds. In the running summer show will be 5 women artists, that present paintings, ceramics and sculpures and drawings. I am very proud to be able to show my paintings in this surrounding. There will be a day to meet the artists and there will be a musical performance as well.

The joruney to Cómpeta heading for the Galeria Luz de la Vida is a wonderful destination for an excursion. The Galeria attracts with it’s artworks, the village, idyllically hidden in the mountains, attracts with it’s white houses, narrow streets, small shops and sufficient bars and restaurants to have a good time. The Gallery is open on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturday Mornings. Find the correct time on it’s Website!

The show will run till 15.07.17 


Die charmante Galeria Luz de la Vida zeigt in ihrer Sommerausstellung Arbeiten von 5 internationalen Künstlerinnen. Cómpeta , ein malerischer andalusisches Bergort, nordwestlich von Málaga, hat viele Künstler und auch Gastbewohner angezogen.  Lieuwke Loth, eine sehr aktive holländische Künstlerin, organisiert nicht nur den jährliche “Art Walk” , sondern auch Treffen von Künstlern und zeigt in  ihrer Galeria “Luz de la Vida”  ganzjährig Ausstellungen , die sich mit verschiedenen Kunstbereichen befassen. In der Sommerausstellung sind neben der Malerei auch Plastiken und Keramiken zu sehen und an einem Tag wird es auch eine musikalische Vorstellung geben.  Ich freue mich sehr, dass ich mit meinen Gemälden an der Ausstellung teilnehme.

Der Weg nach Cómpeta mit dem Ziel der Galeria Luz de la Vida, sind ein lohnendes Auflugsziel. Die Galeria lockt mit den Kunstwerken, Cómpeta, das sehr idyllisch und versteckt in den Bergen liegt, mit seinen charmanten weißen Häusern, engen Gassen, kleinen Lädchen und sowie vielen Bars und Restaurants zum Einkehren. Die Galerie ist an Donnerstags, Freitags und Samstagvormittags geöffnet. Genaue Öffnungszeiten finden sich auf der Webseite.

Die Ausstellung ist geöffnet bis zum 15.07.17

To sell a picture online: a lot to think about!

I received an email from Saatchi: Congratulations, you sold your artwork! As it came in the night at 1 a.m., my sleep got a bit disturbed, so many things to think about! How to manage the transport, that in a way the Gallery takes good care off, in another not. The Gallery will take responsibility for the transport – the artist for the packing! Now this artwork is quite large, 100 x 150 cm, nothing you can just roll up or put into an envelope! No, it had to be sent in a crate and it had to be declared at the customs, in order to be allowed to leave the European Union! The latter a mystic work that even good friends  resisted to help with, as they knew, it was an art in itself. All artworks over 950 EURO are rated as important cultural goods!!!  And on top of this: everything should be done quickly, as the buyer is waiting for it. That’s quite a challange in itself, but an even more demanding challange for somebody who is in Spain, some medical teatment ahead, that will keep him in Spain for weeks and the painting is far away in Germany!

But nevertheless, I am happy to say: With a little help from my friends, better to say with a lot of help from my friends and some substantial professional help the artwork made its way to California! Cross my fingers that the professionally built crate has made the journey safe and sound without any bruises to the painting and that the buyers and the artwork feel happy with eachother!

Die Mail kam nachts um 1 Uhr – das ist Los Angeles Arbeitszeit – mein Schlaf war danach erst mal ziemlich gestört. In der Email von Saatchi stand: Gratulation, Sie haben ein Kunstwerk verkauft! Tausend Gedanken schossen mir durch den Kopf, was gab es alles zu tun und zu regeln! Wie kann  man den Transport sicher stellen, für den die Galerie auf einer Seite die Verantwortung übernimmt – aber die Künstler sorgen für die sorgfältige und sachgerechte Verpackung des Kunstwerkes, kein Kinderspiel!  Und das fragliche Bild war recht groß – 100 x150 cm – nichts, das man einfach so zusammenrollen oder in einen Umschlag stecken kann.  Nein, es muss in einer maßgeschneiderten, extra für die Kunst gebauten Holzkiste versendet und beim Zoll muss ein langes Formular ausgefüllt werden, wenn das Bild die Europäische Union verlässt. Alle Kunstwerke über 950 Euro müssen auf diese Weise ausgeführt werden – wichtige Kulturgüter!

Diesen undurchschaubaren bürokratischen Akt zu übernehmen, davon konnte ich niemand überzeugen. Die Kunden warteten schon auf ihr Bild, es sollte auch alles ganz schnell gehen. Das an sich ist schon eine rechte Herausforderung – aber erst recht, wenn das Bild in Deutschland und die Künstlerin in Spanien ist und dort auch bleiben muss, weil die Umstände es verlangen!

Aber trotz aller Umstände: Es ist vollbracht! “With a little help from my friends”, oder besser gesagt: mit einer Menge Hilfe von meinen Freunden und professioneller Hilfe hat das Kunstwerk seinen Weg nach Kalifornien geschafft! Ich drücke alle Daumen, dass die wunderbar gefertigte Transportkiste sicher gestellt hat, dass es seine Reise unbeschadet überstanden hat und dass das Bild und die neuen Besitzer glücklich miteinander sind!

2017 Open Studios Gaucin- estudios abiertos en Gaucin

Not a secret: I am a fan of open studios in general, espacially of the studios in Gaucin. This may be due to the quality of the artists and as well to the fact, that  I have been there regularly and the visits now have quite a familiar character. Re-visiting artist I know, seeing how their art develops, having little chats with the artists, all this is a special pleasure and very rewarding. And there is always something new to discover: be it in the artists studios or in the picturesque village.
This time we missed out a lot of artists – to many chats and sore feet stopped me to make the full round. Such a pity, but: there will be a next year in Gaucin, at least I hope!

We started at number 3 to 5, a big building that hosts 3 artists. We were greeted by a big sofa, very dusty, but quite comfortable, as I was to find out at the end of the day! Visiting Sara Webb, I was enchanted by the her “road movie”, impressions of driving from or to Gaucin, that reminded me of my many rides and the impressions I collected. One level down we met the poetic ceramic works of Caroline Gullick, first time exhibiting in Gaucin.

Click the photos to see them bigger!

Not far from here we found more poetic artwort. The photographer Sue Callister documents in wonderful pictures the stand still of time, carefully watched a house, that lost its owners and stayed still, seemingly untouched since years. Like always I admire her photos of flowers and the game between focused and unfocused parts. And at the wall a wonderful portrait in many small pictures of the artist Gaucin J.Sánchez Zabaleta.  Up the hill, with the help of friendly neighbours, we find Rosie Venables in her tiny little ceramic studio, which is sitting in a flowering garden. I was heading for a plate with a dog that I kept in my mind from last year, but had to learn: no more dogs this year, but birds and other things.


gallery size=”large” type=”rectangular” ids=”1295,1296,1297,1306,1304,1305″]

Like two years ago, we had the opportunity to visit Estudio Casa Mosaica, which belongs Emma Cornish and hosts two artists, Sebastian Fisher and Sian Faber, who present their art in the very charming atmosphere of the house, which is wonderful decorated with mosaics from Emma Cornish. Sebastian presents his metal sculptures in house and garden. Sian Fisher, who is here for the first time and came over from Sydney, is showing her demin watercolors, some still inspired from the sea of her former home, others showing her new surrounding.

Only a short walk from each other, we found the studio of the painters Jennifer Waterhouse, Lesley Riddihough and the photographer Vivienne Whiffen. At Jennifers studio we were greeted by her cat and by the flowering medows of Gaucin, captured in her paintings so vivid, that you nearly smell the flowers. Fruits and flowers in powerful colours are presented by Lesley, who shares her studio with Vivienne Whiffen. Here we found a rich choice of photos on different subjects. The photo of Flamenco dancers captured their movement of the feet and I liked especially a very quiet still life. A little bit further the road is the studio of Stephanie Thompson, who presents a rich collection of the white houses of Gaucin, more in a relaistic naive style, but now found as well her pleasure in colourful abstract paintings.

So much to see! Luckily enough there are many bars expecting the visitors and giving them a good rest! So we could walk on and admire the very political work of Juan Antionio Sangil, that presents the voters and the urnes. No need to put your vote into the urne – no opening and no use for it. Ana Pellón shows her architecturally inspired works in new colours – if I observed it right. Tim Parry presents his works,that capture the movement and the stillness of banal and important moments, in a style that plays with hints and through is moving brush stroke. José Sánchez Zabaleta we found with his dog at his feet and on a painting, carefully watching his master painting a still life. His paintings are always striking in the paleness of colour and the perfection with which he puts into scene banal stituation of everydays life as well as huge or smaler painting of decaying buildings.

Cats and dogs and more
The art walk is a pleasure, so many wonderful impressions besides the art:

Art is nice but makes very tired (but happy too!)

if you want to see more art work click here!

2016 in Gaucín – 2016 in Gaucín – 2016 en Gaucín

One of my highlights in the year is the visit to the open studios in Gaucín. I have been visiting since four years and every year it is a treat to be there. Already the road to Gaucín presents  wonderful aspects of landscape and flora, bushes fully blooming in yellow to both sides of the road and lots and lots of bumps on the road. Be aware! You pass near impressive mountains, you can enjoy the views of Casares and then suddenly you see Gaucín, hight up on top of the next mountain and you will only reach it after having gone down deep through the romantic valley crossing a river. Finally up there, there are waiting more than 20 artist exhibitions for you and so many other views to enjoy. You can stay in a charming little hotel, as we did last year. If you come the first year and you want to visit all the artist this might be a good choice.

Last year our first day gave us quite a wet surprise,  rainy weather – the coast hadn’t prepared us for this. But the next day presented us sunshine again and lovely views.  The following pictures are just a mosaic of impressions from my wonderful excursion to Gaucín – giving me some pleasure in advance, as it is not long to the next opening of the studios of Gaucín. I am curious whom and what I will find this year! I am sure, inspiring it will be!

You will find all the information about Art Gaucín in this link. It will be open  very soon: 26.-28.05.17 and 02.06.17-04.06.17.

The visit to the galleries not only presents a lot of art work but also wonderful arrangements of art and other objects. So many things to look at.

What a wonderful contrast: paintings that are rich in colours and subjects and mirrors the surrounding of Gaucín and the paintings that dominated by washed out colours and reduction in the subject.

The richness of impressions is fantastic –  not always chosen though.

For a change, have a look to the village. So many little nice items will be there for you!

This weather aspects were presented to us, not only in the paintings, but quite real in our visist to Gaucin.

Charming photographs that mirror the tenderness of plants surrounding Gaucín, ceramics from very interesting materials and the very clear and rather architectural art works stand for the diversity of art, that you will find.

As I lost all information about the 2016 event, I have no idea about names and places. This artist we found in a big building just in the beginning of the village. This year you may find quite different art. I fall in love with the Scottish landscapes and with the wonderful dogs on the plates.

The hotel is a charming little place. Absolutely a place to be. I enjoyed very much the hot bath after the first day and a very tempting breakfast. On your way to and from Gaucín you may be greeted by long rows of charming yellow mimosa bushes, a bath in colours!

Paintings – available

All following paintings acrylic on canvas.



Raum für die Acrylfarben-Space for the acrylic colores- un espacio para los colores acrilios

It feels like endless time that I have not used my acrylic colores. And indeed, it was a very long time that they have not been used and the pencil had to be my artists medium. There are many reasons to name, that hindert me painting – one seems defenitly solved: finally there is some room where I can put my canvas and my colores and act a bit wild! So today I tried the new possiblities and yes, there I can work!

Nach einer gefühlten Ewigkeit, und tatsächlich nach einer sehr langen Zeit, habe ich heute wieder meine Acrylfarben hervorgeholt und genutzt. Nachdem Bleistift und Federhalter für viele viele Monate meine künstlerischen Begleiter waren, ist jetzt hoffentlich wieder die Farbe im Vordergrund. Vieles hat mich abgehalten von der Malerei. Aber eines scheint jetzt wirklich gelöst: es gibt Raum für meine Leinwände und Farben und die Möglichkeit, auch mal etwas wilder zu arbeiten. Heute habe ich den Platz erprobt! Eine neue Möglichkeit ist vorhanden!


2017 Art Walk in Cómpeta/ Kunstspaziergang in Cómpeta/

Spring is coming and the doors of artists studios are opening again. This week we made an excursion to Cómpeta, a white village – or shall I say: a white town? – waiting hight in the mountains of the Axarquia at the end of a curving road, winding along the slopes of the fertile, beautiful valley. Fantastic weather  added to the pleasure of visiting many art studios in the the charming village, that is nestled into the mountains. 22 locations and works of 38 international artist and some steep streets made the trail a fascinating advanture. Feet and eyes were a bit exhausted at the end of the day. But we went home very happy after this enriching event.

Impressions from the Art Trail

You find the artist name when you click on the photos.


When I remember right, this were the first position we visited till number 8. Inbetween we always enjoyed the views that Cómpeta offered us on our Trail.

We made a longer stop in the charming Galeria Luz de la Vida, who offered the works of different artist and some tempting bites and a charming place in the little yard. If I understood it right, the lady who runs the Galerie is also the organizer of the Art Walk. We met the artist Paz Sanz Fle, who shows several of her dreaming lady sculptures. Thank you for the nice portrait, Paz: is it true, that every work of art is a self portrait?

More Impressions follow, I hope I got the names right, but you will find them all, when you visit the trail!

We were really deep in the “Campo”, our last meeting short after leaving Cómpeta

More Information about the Art Walk you find under and The walk is still open 15. and 16.04.17

If  you miss it, come next year!

Bilder einer Ausstellung- cuadros de una exposición

Eine spanisch-englisch-deutsch-holländisch-belgisch-schweizerische Gesellschaft hatte sich zur “Inauguration” meiner ersten Ausstellung in Spanien bei MR.ROHS versammelt. Es war ein wunderbarer Abend mit Bildern, Musik, Wein, Tapas und vielen Gesprächen. Nur das Interview mit TV Mijas wurde nicht geführt, weil mein Spanisch nicht reichte!  Ich hoffe, dass dieses schöne Erlebnis und ein neuer Platz zum Malen die Acrylfarben wieder in den Mittelpunkt rückt….

It was an international group with Spanish, English, Dutch, Swiss and Belgium visitors and friends, that made the inauguration of my first Spanish exhibition at MR.ROHS a great event for me. It was an fantastic evening with the paintings,music, wine, Tapas and a lot of discussions. Though the interview with TV only consists of pictures, my Spanish was not rich enough to answer questions! I hope, that this wonderful event and a new place for painting will give a new chance to the acrylic paint….